Your sofa or chair has become locally damp due to a spilled drink or some other kind of stain (this even can happen with water). Circles or rings are visible after drying which are usually dark in color.
The (remaining) soiling that is in a sofa or chair (often under the fabric) is moved to the outside of the fabric during the drying process. Remaining dirt (not visible) causes visible water rings or dirt rings after drying.
Water circles or dirt rings can usually be removed with James Interior Cleaner. Should this prove to be insufficient, James Stainwonder can be used as a second step.
A final possibility is to professionally clean the entire piece of furniture with a carpet/furniture cleaner. This is officially called a spray extraction machine; This is not the same as a steam cleaner, you should never use it on carpet or furniture fabric! If you are going to clean the furniture with a spray extraction machine, use the cleaning agent James Cleanmaster for synthetic fabrics or James Cleansoft for wool and goat hair.
Do you rent the spray extraction machine from a rental company? Make sure you don’t use the cleaning agent they want to sell you! This is often soap-based and this will actually make your furniture (or carpet) even more soiled in the long run. Soap remains a sticky residue and your furniture will get soiled even faster.
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